Author: miswi

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Diary – 2024/08/09

Friday, August 9, 2024. Kenosha, Wisconsin. I drank from the Alaturka fountain, I have walked the thorniest path, Fate pushed me, or did I choose it? I discovered the world in the tide...


Diary – 2024/08/08

Thursday, August 8, 2024. East Dundee, Illinois. I don’t know why I got this account. I don’t feel like writing. Of course, when my accounts were blown up one after the other, I...


Diary – 2024/08/05

Sunday, August 5, 2024. Presho, South Dakota. I am sleepless. I am tired. I’m going to sleep now. But I’m only putting up with all this tiredness for the girls: for Paula and...


Diary – 2024/08/04

Saturday, August 3, 2024. Wenatchee, Washington. They are loading apples. They started late. It’s now 8:16 p.m...


Diary – 2024/08/02

Thursday, August 1, 2024. Brentwood, California. I’m bored. I’m very bored. For no serious reason. I make myself fall in love with someone and then break my own heart...


Diary – 2024/08/01

Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Van Nuys, California. I don’t feel like writing. And I’ve brazenly come back to the place where I’ve been kicked out so many times...


Diary – 2016/03/25

It’s nothing to lick, really. Have you ever sucked a penis? I have. It’s such a simple thing. It’s very light. He was a...


Diary – 2016/03/25

Addiction. Phone in hand, all day click click click, read entries, vote on entries, write entries. I’m all about entries...


Diary – 2016/03/23

Actually, it’s not just now, it will always be like this. I will always have to be busy with something, and the things I...


Diary – 2016/03/23

I miss keeping a diary, maybe I should continue from here. Actually, there’s not much to write; it’s just a summary of...