Diary – 2024/10/21

O beautiful ass woman,

Are you God? Are you God?

It’s not enough that you grow it in your belly, carry it for nine months, and then breastfeed it with your delicious nipples after giving birth…

Are you God? Are you God?

And those children you gave birth to will grow up to be men, and as they become men, they will attack women. Sometimes with appetite, sometimes with madness.

And the woman with the nice ass,

You will put up with every one of them. You will feed your attacker with appetite. You will suckle her tits and fuck her beautiful ass – to please the child.

You put up with the one who attacks with madness. What else can you do? Mother nature is a bitch too. She made the man muscular and the woman weak. So you will bow your neck and surrender to your fate.

Or aren’t you a god? Or is that what God is? Infinitely merciful like you.

O woman with a beautiful ass,

All day tonight I’ve been looking at the beautiful asses of beautiful ass women like you on the streets, in clubs, on the internet.

Women with beautiful asses showing their asses to raise their sons. There are sisters who touch their ass to buy cigarettes, socks and underwear for their brother in jail. Teenage girls who get their asses fucked to pay the rent so their sick fathers won’t be homeless.

And you know what happens next? Who do you think insults and spews hate at these girls who have to sacrifice their asses for the male members of their families?

Haha. Yeah, you guessed it. Men, men who don’t even need the shit in these girls’ asses. Brothers, fathers and sons who beg and beg for ass all day long, when they are done, they forget that they begged for those assholes and insult them by calling them whores and sluts.

But aren’t you God? So it’s the assholes who abuse your infinite mercy.

You’re an ass, you beautiful ass woman.
You are god, of course, and god is you.


(Source: Tijuana’s red light district, Hong Kong gentlemen’s club and escort agency websites).

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