Diary – 2016/03/23

I miss keeping a diary, maybe I should continue from here. Actually, there’s not much to write; it’s just a summary of what’s on my mind: 24/7 woman. You already knew that. Not every woman, but… She has to deserve it.

When I say “she has to deserve it”, you think “she has to do good things to deserve it”, but it’s not like that. She doesn’t have to do anything, just be beautiful. Or not so ugly that you can’t look at her face, that’s enough.

Yes, I’m an ugly person.

Actually, it’s not enough for her to just be beautiful. She should be a bit flirty. And by flirty, I don’t mean coy. “Too much coyness makes the lover weary” is not enough; let’s ban all coyness! (Joking, of course, we have put all kinds of prohibitions under our feet.)

– What do you mean by flirtatious?

Actually, maybe flirtatious is not the right word. I meant flirtatious. I wanted to say flirtatious. “He’s a man, he’s a man”. “He’s a man, he’s a man.” You know, the female version of me. She should be on fire. Let her go crazy with lust. If 3 men aren’t enough, she wants 5. If 5 men aren’t enough, she wants 10.
– Why would she want 5 or 10 men? What if she only wants you?

It’s a problem if she only wants me, man. If she only wanted me, she’d want me to only want her. There’s no such world. Even if she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, it’s not possible. We want new beauties again, you know.
– You want them, fine, but why should he?

Justice, dude, justice. It’s not that I’m a good person. I know that injustice breeds bad things. And bad…
(Half an hour ago my girlfriend came over and I had to leave the article like this. Now she’s gone but I don’t feel like writing. Uh-huh. But that last sentence was supposed to be: “I know that injustice breeds bad things and that I fear bad things.” Of course, the article was not going to end like that. Because I was going to tell more, maybe I was going to tell what bad things could happen. I don’t know. Anyway, I’ll write again sometime. Maybe I’ll even start again now, maybe some other time. It’s kismet. Goodbye. See you soon, my dears.)

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